The Krameterhof roots
The Krameterhof farm has now been in the possession of the Holzer family for four generations and during that time has been farmed continuously. We are proud to be permaculture farmers and hope to inspire others to join this creative and complex profession.
Our strengths are expertise, curiosity and openness.
We at Krameterhof farm can show that agricultural alternatives do exist and that it is truly beneficial to work responsibly with nature and natural resources. Those interested in our work will find new perspectives and possibilities.
People often ask us to explain the difference between Holzer permaculture and normal permaculture, with many expecting us to simply list a series of differences as an answer. However it is not our desire to stress contrasts but rather to simply and clearly explain our own approach to permaculture.
People take center stage
Permaculture means lifelong observation and learning. It is only natural that people who are involved in a particular field will each search for, experience and discover different things. We believe that the approach we take towards permaculture can be compared to that of the traditional peasant farmer. We think that agriculture can only work properly if the human being takes center stage with all his or her experiences, ideas and possibilities. The key to good farming, as we understand it, is brain and heart per hectare.
„ Without wanting to romanticize peasant farmers and their culture, we argue that in contrast to the agriculture industry as we know it today, the so-called peasant farmer always opted for highly intelligent management principles that were essential to ensure his and his family’s survival. In addition, the old myth of the ruthless exploitation of nature by farmers is untenable as their realistic observations of nature always taught them the need to treat their land with care and consideration.“
Berger, J. 1998
Sepp Holzer
Sepp Holzer grew up in an alpine farming family in the Lungau region in the Austrian Alps. In 1962 he took over the parental farm, Krameterhof. In the following years, he experimented with different agricultural methods and styles and over time gradually developed what can be termed the Krameterhof Agricultural Solutions brand.
Sepp’s work caused quite a stir and attracted more and more people to the Krameterhof farm. Finally, in 1995 he came across the concept of permaculture through students and professors from the Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences who visited the farm. These people concluded that what they had seen at Krameterhof farm was an example of permaculture. Sepp’s interest was aroused and he began to delve deeper into the subject of permaculture. After reading the publications available at the time written by Mollison and Holmgren, he took the firm decision that Krameterhof should be further developed as a permaculture farm. In 2009, Josef A. Holzer took over this challenge.
Permaculture opens up a new scope of action
Sadly, the permaculture approach is seldom applied in the modern agricultural world. In our opinion, this is not due to the principles it is based on or the methods it involves, but to communication problems, misunderstandings and prejudices.
Most farmers see permaculture-based systems as an urban fad which has no relation to practical work, even though it is precisely the farmers themselves who would most benefit from taking on board permaculture ideas. In fact, our approach allows farmers to expand their base, fill niche gaps in the markets, reduce inputs, improve the water and nutrient cycles, and much more.
The climate crisis forces us to act
Die Zeit drängt, wie wir wissen. Lebensmittelproduktion, Wasserversorgung, Artenerhalt – Herausforderungen, die durch die Klimakrise noch verschärft werden und die bestimmt nur in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Bauern und Bäuerinnen gemeistert werden können.
„ We need to see a move from a linear to a holistic approach in agricultural management, which recognizes that a farmer is not only a producer of agricultural goods, but also a manager of an agro-ecological system which provides quite a number of public goods and services (e.g. water, soil, landscape, energy and biodiversity).“
Trade and Environment Review 2013.Wake up Before It Is Too Late, UNCTAD, 2013
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